
How to Transport your Dog to Another State by Plane

Man at airport check in kiosk holding a French Bulldog

Pets are transported to new states and across the country every day without a hitch. With some extra preparation and planning your companion will arrive at your destination ready to settle in and relax. Although many opt to transport their pet on their own, some are so busy they need extra help.

If you or your pet are flying into Seattle and need transportation from the airport, click here to book private car service with our Relocation Concierge today.

If you’re looking for a dog sitter and companion to fly your pet, reach out to our Relocation Concierge today! We fly your pet (under 25lbs) with our concierge via the main cabin, and will deliver them safe and sound to your destination.

If you’re planning to fly your pet on your own, we hope tips from our Relocation Concierge below will help make your life easier.

  • Fly main cabin if your pet is under 25lbs. Your dog or cat will have to fit in a pet carrier underneath your seat. It’s important to note many airlines won’t allow pets via cargo anymore due to safety issues. If your dog is over 25lbs and you don’t have any other options, check with Alaska Airlines to see if they will allow your dog to fly cargo. It’s important to check with any airline you fly with to make sure they allow pets and what their policies are. If your dog is under 25lbs some airlines may let your pet stay in your lap if it helps them stay calm and they’re well behaved.
  • Acclimate your pet to their travel carrier. Help them prepare for their time in the airport and on the plane by getting the travel carrier early, and training with positive reinforcement before the day of departure.
  • Bring treats. Keep your pup happy and relaxed with their favorite treats in the airport and on the plane. Some people recommend CBD treats as an alternative to sedatives if you think your pet may get overwhelmed or anxious traveling. You can also supplement treats with kibble.
  • Bring a water bowl. Travel and flying dehydrates us, it’s important to have a water dish that’s easy to bring along, and that your pet feels comfortable drinking out of.
  • Look for dog bathrooms in the airport. Let your pet relieve itself before the flight in an airport dog bathroom. Many airports around The United States have indoor pet relief areas with astroturf available. It’s also a good idea to line your pet carrier with puppy pads as a backup.
  • Bring a favorite blanket or toy. Familiar smells can be comforting, whether that’s a favorite blanket, toy, or even dirty laundry from your pets favorite human. Consider setting up the pet carrier to hold these items so your pet can relax and hopefully sleep for the duration of the trip.
  • Talk to your pet about the trip ahead of time. Many people believe that animals, especially dogs, can understand more than we think. Talk to them about the upcoming trip, where they’re going, and what to expect ahead of time. Although experiences around this are anecdotal, some believe this helps their pet stay calmer during times of transition. This includes travel and moving.